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3 Empowering Questions to Access Spiritual Solutions to Life’s Biggest Challenges

3 Empowering Questions to Access Spiritual Solutions to Life’s Biggest Challenges by Lisa Hromada | #AspireMag

Life can often feel like a maze, filled with problems, frustrations, challenges, and unexpected detours that can leave you feeling stuck. You can struggle with doubt, fear, or anger in response to difficulties, what you see on the news, and your own limiting beliefs about what’s possible. 

But what if I told you that within you lies the power to navigate through it all? By asking the right questions, you can access profound spiritual solutions tailored just for you!  

By shifting your focus from problems to solutions, you can access greater clarity and inner peace. This allows you to move beyond limiting emotions like uneasiness, fear, and overwhelm, and into a space of inner stillness where solutions manifest. 

Life undoubtedly presents challenges – many of them deeply painful and confusing. And in these times is when you’re inspired to seek answers, solutions, and a path forward to feeling better – to restoring a sense of inner peace, so that you can experience more joy, freedom, purpose, direction, and fulfillment in your life. 

If this is you, I’m here to remind you that you’re not alone and that everything you’re searching for and the answers that you seek are right here in this moment – available to you. 

Not through your mind. Not from thinking about your challenges or problems long enough or replaying the events or frustrations repeatedly. And not from others telling you what to do. But by connecting to a sacred, spiritual space within yourself where all answers and all solutions reside. 

By far the greatest prompting that changed the trajectory of my life was profound challenge – a dark night of the soul. Through it, I was awakened to a path to healing relationships with myself and others, aligning with opportunities to pursue soul nourishing work, and manifesting a vision for my life that at one time was only a dream. It was a time in which I experienced feelings of devastation, anger, confusion, sadness, uncertainty, and loss that impacted every part of my being – mind, body, emotions, and spirit.  

Amid my challenges, though, I realized that what was causing me the most suffering was not the actual challenge itself but my reaction to the challenge — the thoughts I was ruminating on as a result and what I was believing about myself and my future that caused me the most suffering. 

It took a dark night of the soul to realize that you can’t work from the level of ‘problems, obstacles, and struggle’ – you must work from the level of ‘solutions.’ 

In pivotal life moments when you’re feeling left in the dark, your mind can swirl with a medley of thoughts and emotions, leaving you feeling disempowered, stuck, and a victim to life. You can feel powerless.  

But, as I’ve learned from my own awakening experiences and the women I work with, once you become aware that you can change your thoughts, beliefs, and how you view your life and what is possible, you enter a divine energy of solutions where you find clarity, peace, and an empowering path forward.   

The inner shift sends you on a path to experience the truth that there truly is a spiritual solution to every problem. 

“Activating spiritual solutions means converting inner thoughts and feelings from discord and disharmony to love.” ― Wayne W. Dyer, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem 

This brings me to the power of accessing spiritual solutions to restore peace, joy, freedom, and empowerment through tapping into your authentic, beautiful, soulful wise self. 

When you approach life’s challenges from this elevated perspective – from an Empowered Lifeview™ – you begin to see that the solutions you seek do not lie solely in the material realm, but rather within the deeper wellsprings of your own conscious awareness.  

By tuning into the wisdom, intuition, and higher guidance available to you through spiritual practice and self-reflection, you unlock an expansive realm of possibility that extends far beyond the limitations of the physical world.  

Whether you are struggling with a personal crisis, a health issue, a relationship conflict, or any other difficulty, tapping into the spiritual dimension allows you to access profound insights, creative inspiration, and the fortitude to transcend your perceived obstacles.  

This is not to say the path is always easy – spiritual growth often requires great courage, discipline, and a willingness to confront your deepest fears and limiting beliefs.  

But, beautiful sou, you are born with all answers and solutions with you. 

You are connected in a miraculous oneness with God/Source/Divinity/the Universe, thus you are, in essence, the source of the answers and solutions that you seek. You are a spark of the Divine that is all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-loving, thus you embody all of these qualities, despite any human conditioning that you’ve picked up over time.  

So, no matter how much fear you experience in life, no matter the challenges or the separation you feel — you can never be separate from the source of all answers, peace, joy, and solutions, because that is the very essence of who you are. Let’s explore how you can access spiritual solutions to help you transcend any challenging time. 

Spiritual solutions always arise out of love, trust, and calming the mind from the emotionally charged thoughts that arise, and the willingness to take action (or non-action) from a space of contribution and collaboration.  

What I’d like to do is guide you is ask yourself a few empowering questions. As you ask these questions, listen to what you intuition is telling you. 

3 Empowering Questions to Access Spiritual Solutions for Clarity & Peace 

1. What is the deeper spiritual opportunity within this difficult situation? 

Challenges will always call you to do one, if not all the following:  

  • learn more about life, yourself, others, and/or your higher purpose and path next. 
  • heal an important area of your life or a limiting belief that you’ve been holding onto. 
  • grow more deeply into the love that you are and experience that energy in your life. 
  • evolve into a higher expression of who you are. 
  • contribute to others through your gifts, talents, and passions in new ways. 
  • deepen your connection with Source/God/the Universe.  

“This difficult situation is likely calling me to_________________.” 

 2. Who or what is this situation asking me to be in this moment and as move forward in my life?

Every challenge invites you to cultivate or deepen in a quality of the authentic loving nature of who you are as a soul and a sacred spark of Source. This sacred quality might be patience, compassion, strength, generosity, humility, trust, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, or another divine quality of love.  

“This circumstance is prompting me to be more _____________.” 

3. What empowered action can I take and what must I spiritually surrender to Source?

No matter the challenge, there is always empowered action that you can take. Sometimes that will come as tangible, physical action to create change outside of yourself. Most often, though, the empowered action will be to nurture and shift something within you. And with every intentional shift that you make and every step that you take toward more loving outcomes, God/Source/the Universe takes ninety-nine steps for your benefit. That is a Divine promise.  

“I can take loving, empowered action by ________. And this is what I choose to surrender in total trust to Source to help me with: ______________.” 

Accessing spiritual solutions is a valuable tool that can guide you toward self-discovery and understanding. When you take a moment to pause, breathe, and listen to your inner voice, you often uncover insights that resonate more deeply than anything anyone else might offer.  

So, the next time you find yourself looking for guidance, remember that you possess a treasure trove of wisdom within you. Trust your intuition, embrace your inner knowing, don’t analyze or overthink your thoughts, and allow your unique insights to illuminate your path forward. You are more capable than you realize!  

The answers are within you. As always, relax in the knowing™. 

xo, Lisa 

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About the author 

Lisa Hromada

LISA HROMADA is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author of Love is the Seed and The Three Supreme Gifts, and International Bestselling Contributing Author of numerous books to empower women.

Born from her own challenges and spiritual awakening — what she calls a “divine reset™”— Lisa created her Empowered Lifeview™ methodology, helping to guide women to breakthrough life challenges, reclaim their inner peace, and cultivate the clarity they need to live a life of meaning, joy, and spiritual connection.

Through her transformational guided self-paced video course, The Divine Reset™ Experience: A Soul Nourishing Journey for Midlife Women, Lisa provides women practical spiritual teachings and guidance through soul-aligned frequency meditations and proven mindset recalibration practices to powerfully transform their lives.

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