Each moment, you’re given the choice of how you want to experience life, what you want to hold onto, what you want to release, and how you want to feel each day.
The possibility for transformation is right here in this moment. All it takes is your willingness to say, “I choose something better.”
And that “something better” can include courageously stepping out and rediscovering what you’re passionate about, changing where live, how you desire to contribute in the world, who you desire to spend your time with, and the vision you have for yourself and your life next.
That “something better” can be a stretch from who you’ve been, how others have known you, and what others expect from you.
Yet, as the beautiful, growing, and evolving soul that you are having this epic human experience, you feel the calling to create new experiences for yourself – and without fully realizing it, to be a higher expression of yourself that life is calling you to be next.
And in the process of reaching for something better, you’re invited by Life to shed layers of doubts, fears, and feelings of unworthiness.
You’re invited to reach for something more loving – toward myself and others.
To choose more loving thoughts, actions beliefs, perspectives, and more loving ways of responding to life’s triggers, challenges, delays, and detours. This is when you begin to unlock possibilities and reclaim true yourself – simply by the intention and small actions to do so.
There comes a point in life when you realize that along with being a sacred part of everyone else’s story, you are here to create your own.
You’re here to discover higher versions of yourself that are possible when you begin living toward and choosing to embody those versions of yourself each day.
It’s not about growing away from others but adding to others through YOUR growth and expansion.
It’s eye-opening when you realize who you are beyond who you’ve been to others since birth.
In my mid-twenties, Life called me to move away from my family. And, although feeling uncertain at first to be away from everything familiar to me, it was both enlightening and a blessing. Not because of any lack of love toward my family, but because life gave me the opportunity to discover who I was and who God/Source continually calls me to be, beyond the story of ‘me’ I had been, and am, to others.
There’s something about being a part of everyone else’s story that can lead you to temporarily lose sight of your power to create your own.
You can feel that you have lost yourself, what you are passionate about and what you enjoy doing. You can wonder your purpose, who you are outside of your role as mom, caregiver, or the roles you play in your work or business. You can get caught up in the story of who you are based on your place within your family, social group, and greater community.
It inspires the question, “Who are you beyond the roles that you play?”
If you think back when you were a young child – before all the rules, conditioning, influences and perspectives of who you were based on your environment, family, peers, and community – and how you fit into it all, into the “mold” of what makes you, YOU – who are you?
Through asking this question, it’s not that you stop playing in life with others, but it’s about illuminating a truer, more authentic part of yourself into the many roles in which you get to participate.
You get to see yourself from an empowered lifeview™ — a higher spiritual vantage point by shedding the layers of limitations, expectations and assumptions, and begin seeing yourself and your life more for the epic journey it is, in which you get to create new experiences.
Want more joy? You can create it.
Desire more fun? You can create it.
Feel called to pursue something new? You can create it.
Long for inner peace and self-acceptance? You can create it.
You can create it all by reclaiming your True self.
To help guide your way, here are 3 powerful practices to begin experiencing what’s possible when you see yourself from your soul’s loving view.
3 Empowered Lifeview™ Practices to Reclaim Your True Self
#1 Become aware of Love’s presence within and around you.
It sounds simple, but it’s more powerful than you might imagine.
You can do this through practices like gratitude, recognizing blessings, connecting within yourself and with Source, and grounding yourself in nature.
I invite you to do it all – and you can do it today!
Here’s how:
- Become aware of one thing/one person/one circumstance that you appreciate today. Then say, “I love that, and I invite more.”
- Recognize a blessing in your life. It can be as simple as your favorite chair or time spent with your kids/grandkids. Then say, “I love that, and I invite more.”
- Gift yourself 2 minutes of stillness. Close your eyes. Breathe. And say, “I welcome gentle guidance, and I invite more.”
- Stroll in nature, breathe the fresh air. Feel the ground beneath your feet. And then say, “I ground myself in peace, and I invite more.”
Every new day brings with it a fresh wave of strength and inspiration.
As A Course in Miracles says, “At every moment a treasure is being offered to you. But you will receive it only if you are looking in the right place.”
And I want to share a resource to help you do that – so that you can get started today.
#2 Ask yourself empowering soul-prompting questions.
Beautiful soul, remember, you are a part of the UNI-VERSE.
“UNI” meaning ‘One’. “VERSE” meaning Totality/Turned Into. “UNIVERSE” meaning ‘Turned into One’.
Rumi wisely said, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
If you were to look at astrology, human design, or numerology or other modalities, or by noticing the signs and synchronicities playing out in your life – you would see just how interconnected in oneness that you are within the Universe.
In this Oneness, you reclaim your True self.
PRACTICE: Ask yourself these soul-prompting questions:
“If I am part of and unified with the magic, mystery, and miracles of the Universe and all creation – if I am made up of the very fabric of this Divine Source of loving, magnificent creation – then wouldn’t I have that too?
Wouldn’t I have access to limitless potential for what I can create in my life?
Wouldn’t I have access to all possibilities?”
You’ll find that the answers are YES, YES… and YES!
So, the question then becomes, “HOW do I access this creative potential to reveal your True self?”
The answer is daily practice, to:
Connect within.
Rescript any limiting thoughts that arise.
Balance empowered action with spiritual surrender.
Focus on your next great vision for yourslf and your life with intention.
#3 Bless the “old”. Bless the “new”.
Every joy, challenge, limiting thought, and role you’ve played has served its own unique purpose in your life thus far.
Bless it all, close out that chapter, and look toward welcoming in the new possibilities, potentials, and blessings waiting for you to discover as you reclaim your True self.
As you step into your True self, embrace fresh ideas and perspectives.
What if you resolved to “choose joy”, “choose peace”, “choose more things that you’re passionate about” as mantras for your life in every situation.
When challenges arise, you address them and choose a path to joy.
Get triggered by someone? Address it and then choose a path to peace.
Create a Short Affirmative Declaration List: Write 3 “I choose…” “I choose to no longer…” statements and place them where you can see them each day.
Samples: “I choose to stay in ‘peace’ no matter what.” “I choose joy and I intentionally find ways of experiencing it.” “I choose to no longer allow others to tell me what’s right for me.” “I choose to no longer neglect my own well-being.” “I choose to no longer doubt myself.” “I choose to trust my intuition and what feels right for me.”
“The future will be like the past only if you keep thinking the same thoughts that created the past.” — A Course in Miracles {Made Easy}
Beautiful soul, it’s my intention that today you are reminded of your power to experience more passion, joy, and inner peace in your life by reclaiming your True self. Xo, Lisa