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3 Common Pitfalls Awakening Women Encounter and Steps to Navigate Them

3 Common Pitfalls Awakening Women Encounter and Steps to Navigate Them by Marcia Mariner, MA, LMHC | #AspireMag

Women are rapidly waking up to the realization that we have the power within us to make a bold contribution to our evolving world. As we awaken, we feel an inner invitation to show up in new ways as cutting-edge leaders in our families, our communities, our work, or even globally. We are committed to discovering and fully developing our infinite power, our soul’s purpose, and our potential to thrive spiritually and financially. We are here to serve the world from a place of overflow, not depletion. We hold a vision to create a more sustainable and humane world, a world that is unified by the collective power of love.

When we awaken and make the decision to rise up in sacred service, there are THREE PITFALLS that many women encounter. Awareness of these pitfalls makes it easier to navigate around them. As we harness the power to focus on what we want, we begin to take action. We then start to feel the joy of living a meaningful life. In so doing, we become the recipients of our divine inheritance—a passionate, purposeful, and prosperous life. This abundant life IS our birthright and we are ready to claim it.

The 3 Common Pitfalls are:

1.Being Unconscious of Your Higher Destiny.  

When women have not fully discovered their unique contribution to our evolving world, we are operating blindly, like driving in a car with no GPS.  This lack of inner direction and connection with our soul’s purpose results in our failure to fully thrive. It limits our access to the infinite wealth within us. 

Many women are aware of their gifts, but have not grasped their unique purpose. This will show up as a feeling of emptiness and a lack of enthusiasm for life. It can also show up in disguise. Wmay feel fulfilled, but nonetheless sense that there is still more to be unearthed and expressed within us. It is a sign that the sacred gold of our divine design within has yet to be fully mined. In order to access this, we must be willing to dig even deeper to fully unearth the treasure in our heart of hearts.  

2.Having A Scarcity Mindset Rather Than A Sacred Wealth Mindset.  

We must give ourselves permission to have a big vision for ourselves and for the difference we can make in the world. 

When we are cut off from an inner knowing of our sacred worth, we are unable to access the infinite power of LOVE in our hearts. This can lead us to feel stuck in fear, doubt, and confusion. Without sufficient access to this power, we will lack the courage to go for what we desire and require in order to thrive. 

We can learn to trust more in our spiritual vision. We can discover that our inner calling to be of service is much bigger than our fears. This calling is activated when our hearts open. It flows from the LOVE within as we grasp the power we hold to “be the change” and uncover the truth of who we are already encoded to be. This is a simple task, but not an easy process. It requires a radical willingness to learn a new way of being. It constantly invites us to fully receive and embracthe totality of our sacred worth. This can be challenging for women, as we discover that our higher calling is much bigger than our logical mind can fully grasp.

Once learned and mastered, it is not difficult to surrender to and experience the fulfillment of our heart’s desire. The struggles we face are simply because we have not fully learned the art of manifesting from the heart. Like learning a new language, it requires a stage of practice and clearing out the past conditioning. It means learning to shift out of “fight or flight” before we can embody a new way of being. When we learn to have an abundant mindset and make the decision to follow our heart, we have access to the power within to receive infinite wealth.   

Once we make the shift into a heart centered way of living, feelings of safety, forgiveness, generosity, service to the whole, universal love, compassion, and non-judgment flow effortlessly. Love replaces the former false programing of fear, poverty consciousness, lack, competition, and any need to win at another’s expense. 

3.Isolating Yourself Rather than Connecting to Your “Dream Team” Over and over again, I have witnessed the power that visionary circles hold to rapidly accelerate the path to purpose and soul prosperity. When women are isolated from one another, it cuts us off from the nurturing, healing, and the power we need to keep our flames alive in our hearts. 

Gathered together and holding a collective intent, we unite as ONE. Wbecome conscious of our interconnection and realize that our success is linked to the whole. We can never fully become ourselves without others who are showing up in their unique way. Other visionary women can help us to see our unique magnificence. Surrounding ourselves with these women is the medicine that activates and expands our sense of worth and higher purpose. Additionally, by serving the collective, we feel the joy of giving and receiving. This dissolves our fears and multiplies our joy. These circles collectively empower one another to never stop believing in the ability we each have to make our vision for a new world a reality.

Here are three action steps to take right away in order to navigate around the pitfalls, embody your worth, and feel the joy of having access to more spiritual and financial wealth; 

  1. CONNECT with your high heart’s dream every day. What IS your heart’s desire? If it is still too buried or difficult to access alone, find an expert mentor who has your back and who keeps you fully engaged on your path of self-discovery. The high heart dream may be buried, but it IS there deep within you waiting for you to find it.
  2. CREATE a plan to manifest your vision. Take one action step every day outside of your comfort zone (even when you are feeling afraid or resistant) that is aligned WITH your heart’s desire. When you do this, you will immediately feel the bliss in your heart activated by the power of your YES. Commit to this no matter how you feel and no matter what your mind may be convincing you (that you are not worthy of experiencing it, etc.). This is non-negotiable. Taking consistent, inspired action will lead you to the positive results you desire.
  3. CONTRIBUTE spiritually and materially to others right away from your sacred gifts. Also, allow yourself to receive the abundance that wants to flow in for you. This is the law of reciprocity. What you share freely and generously with others flows back to you multiplied. This heart centered way of living will keep you inspired, deeply fulfilled, prosperous, and on fire to keep moving forward. It is in giving that we receive. As your heart expands in service to the whole, you will find yourself truly living the in the miracle zone.

Once you practice these three action steps, you will be well on your way to avoiding the common pitfalls. You will step into a powerful portal of infinite possibilityconsciously creating the life that you know in your heart you were meant to live. Feeling as if you are making a positive and powerful impact in our evolving world will only add to the expanding fulfillment, soul aligned prosperityand joy that awaits you. 

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About the author 

Marcia Mariner

Marcia is a Divine Feminine Visionary leader, speaker and author empowering women to create transformation in their lives. Using her expertise from over 30 years experience as a licensed therapist, Marcia combines therapeutic coaching with the power of women’s circles to help women break free from their patriarchal conditioning, embrace their feminine gifts and wake up to their worth. By fully embodying their own beauty, and magnificence, Marcia believes women have the power to collectively shift the evolution of the world. Marcia invites you to download your From Blah to Blissful in 3 Simple Steps video today!

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