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3 Archangels to Help You Live in Joy

3 Archangels to Help You Live in Joy by Kris Groth | #AspireMag

Life can be so serious sometimes. So many responsibilities and worries each and every day, it can become very heavy and burdensome. It can be difficult to even find time and energy to have fun.  Would you agree?  

Over the past year, even with all the stress, limitations and uncertainty of the pandemic, I found myself experiencing more joy than I had in years.  

How did that happen?  

Being home all the time, I had more time to spend in self-care, but I also had more time to connect with my angels and really get to know them. The more I connected with them, the more I noticed myself living in a state of joy. I didn’t even need to be doing anything particularly fun, and I still felt the joy buzzing through me. I also was more inclined to find ways to have fun, be silly, and do things spontaneously.  

There are three Archangels that I found to be particularly helpful in igniting the joy within me and nudging me to have more fun in my life: HanielJophiel, and Sandalphon. 

Haniel is known as the archangel of grace and passion. She helps us to find what lights us up, what makes our souls sing. Her energy is very light and carefree. She resonates with the color of light blue. My energy and vibration immediately felt lighter when I called in Haniel, and I noticed her working in the background to bring in more opportunities for me to have fun. I also found myself being more spontaneous when she was around. She brought out my childlike wonder and silliness and made me feel like playing. I felt a connection between Haniel and dolphins, with both of them exuding playfulness and joy. 

One day I put on a giraffe costume to do a Facebook live, just to be silly, but it felt so good to be in that energy that I decided to keep it on all day. You should have seen the looks I got from people I passed on my daily walk. I couldn’t see much of their faces with masks on, but I hope that it made them smile, even if they were shaking their heads in confusion. It made me giggle every time. This was the joyfulness of Haniel working its magic. 

Jophiel is the archangel of art and beauty. She guides us to take time to smell the flowers, to appreciate the beauty all around us, and enjoy every moment. When I think of Jophiel, I think of the word jovial, which means cheerful and friendly, and suits her to a tee. Her color is yellow, like sunlight and daffodils. She brings happiness and cheer wherever she goes.  

Our outer world reflects our inner world, so Jophiel encourages us to create sacred spaces all around us. When we have a home or environment that is beautiful and peaceful, we feel that inside as well. She encourages us to surround ourselves with what brings us joy and makes us happy.  

With Jophiel around, I found myself clearing away clutter and making my space beautiful. I was inspired to create more art and do things just for the fun of it. Laughter and light-heartedness came easily, and I wanted to share that with others. Jophiel loves to help throw a party or gather together with family and friends, sharing in the beauty and joy of life. 

Sandalphon is the archangel of music and prayer. His color is turquoise, like still waters. Calling on Sandalphon, I feel a comforting presence that is listening to everything I say and do. He encourages us to live our life as a prayer, knowing everything we do, think, and feel matters. When we are mindful and intentional, even the mundane tasks like taking out the garbage can become prayers of gratitude, healing, celebration or manifestation.  

He is also strongly connected to music and dance. When Sandalphon is around I often receive messages in music. Whether it’s noticing lyrics in songs that are exactly what I needed to hear, feeling  and following the urge to dance in my kitchen as I make dinner or catching myself humming happily while on a walk.  

We automatically attune our vibration to the music we listen to. Listening to uplifting music can magically lift our spirits and raise our vibration. Sandalphon can help us to find music that will support the vibration we want to be at. He also teaches us to appreciate the music of the trees, birds and waters. There is music all around us, if we take the time to listen. Enjoy the music of your life! 

These three archangels have very different energies, approaches and strengths. I encourage you to take some time with each of them, to see which resonates with you and what you need in your life right now. They can each assist in helping you to bring more joy into your life. Call on them individually or all together. There is no right or wrong way.  

Once you call them in and ask them to be with you, pay attention to how you feel, what you notice happening around you. Set aside any expectations of what it might be like to have the archangels work with you, and just be open to the subtle ways they begin shifting the energy around you and creating more opportunities for you to experience joy and fun in your everyday life. Allow yourself to live joyfully, you deserve it! 


Prayer to Call in the Archangels of Joy 

Dear angels of Joy…HanielJophiel and Sandalphon 

I call on you to be with me today as I go about my day. 

Help me to sense your presence in my everyday life.  

Please raise my vibration and uplift my spirits. 

Assist me in experiencing more unexpected joy in my life.  

Help me to release my worries, fears and seriousness. 

Guide me to find more ways to let go and have fun.  

Assist me to be open to new experiences that light up my soul, 

And to be aware of all the beauty, joy and passion all around me. 

I am ready to live my life in joy! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

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About the author 

Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, heart, mind and soul, and to live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing, and spiritual mentoring sessions, including powerful custom guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls. Claim your free "Discover the Archangel Around You Quiz & Meditation" today and visit for more supportive resources.

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