We all receive, at one time or another, a curveball—a diagnosis, a loss, a shift in consciousness—that causes us to feel an internal earthquake—a life shift.
These pivotal moments may appear as a sudden internal awareness that leads to a deeper understanding of ourselves and nudges us to make new choices from our inner wisdom. They may arrive as whispers or shouts—calling on us to face a new chapter in our lives.
Life Shifts: Women's Stories of Surrendering To and Rising Above Life’s Challenges, features stories from empowered women who courageously and vulnerably share their stories of navigating life’s curveballs and subsequent journeys of transformation, resilience, and courage. May their wisdom-filled quotes inspire you to believe in possibility.
“When you follow your heart and move beyond your fears, you realize a destiny that was available to you all along.” ~ Lisa Hromada, www.loveistheseed.com

“Be different. Be yourself. That’s what attracts the right people and experiences into the life you are meant to live.” ~ Nancy O’Keefe www.nancyokeefecoaching.com

“When you soothe your inner critic and listen to your heart’s whispers, it will always point you in the right direction.” ~ Karen Shier www.karenshiercoaching.com

“Beautiful soul, even in the midst of the darkest night, when everything is falling apart, our power to choose our reactions and our peace is still available.” ~ Linda Joy www.linda-joy.com

“You’re stronger than you realize, and you’re never alone.” ~ Kristi Ling Spencer www.kristilingspencer.com

“You don’t know true freedom until the moment you’re lifted up by the primordial waters of life.” ~ Sha Blackburn www.theloonwitch.com

“You do not need to search for something beyond your grasp. It is all here. You are always home.” ~ Sharon Kathryn D’Agostino www.sayitforward.org

“Your traumatic events do not define you. It is never too late to change and to heal.” ~ Cindy Winsel. www.cindywInsel.com

“Once you ‘let go’, you flow through each cycle of your life with ease and grace.” ~ Sherry Kachanis www.sherrykachanis.com

“Life will challenge you to see how strong you are in your faith and your belief in your purpose, yet you are fully supported and protected by the Universe.” ~ Cynthia Medina www.coachcynthiamedina.com

“When you heal your core limiting beliefs, you align with your authentic self and live in alignment with your soul.” ~ Mary Beth Gudewicz www.bellanutritionservices.com

“Commit to the choices you make with determination and positive expectancy, and you’ll live with greater joy.” ~ Felicia Messina-D’Haiti www.feliciadhaiti.com

“You have only one magnificent body in this precious lifetime. Connect fully with it.” ~ Michelle Lemoi www.michellelemoi.com

“Be willing to tune in, trust your heart, do what is aligned, and follow your dreams.” ~ Rosa Maria Szynski www.radiancewithrosa.com

"Enter your text here...“Saying ‘YES’ to God, to loving life, and to yourself can be what empowers you to live your happily ever after.” ~ Karen McPhail www.infinitelifepossibilities.com

“Allow yourself to tap into your intuition to heal and grow.” ~ Yvette LeFlore www.healingwithyvette.com

“Live your life — never boring, always evolving.” ~ Lee Murphy Wolf www.leemurphywolf.com

“The journey to befriend anger can begin as a nightmare but deepen to transform your relationship with yourself and others.” ~ Mary Jo Rathgeb www.maryjorathgeb.com

“Be one with beauty and sensuality and ALL your soft curves. Experience the ‘awe’ of falling in love with yourself.” ~ Mary Magourik www.lifejustbeyond.com

“Freeing yourself of shame opens you to lean into, own, and honor your sensitivity and who you are authentically.” ~ Bonnie Snyder www.diamondpathways.com

"There is magic in each and every moment. When you are open and fully present in the now, you can fully feel your sovereign self. Wow.” ~ Crystal Cockerham www.crystalcockerham.com

“Death is just a new beginning and a natural part of living. And love is the most important thing.” ~ Maria Burke, RN www.celticangelsinc.com

“A blank canvas can be the tool to step into a world of manifestation.” ~ Camy De Mario www.camydemario.com

“Seize the opportunity. Find a way to complete your relationships and to bring joy into your life today and every day.” ~ Amy Lindner-Lesser www.inntrospection.com

“When you trust the Universe and your inner guidance, more opportunities arise.” ~ Angela Shakti Sparks www.angelashaktisparks.com

“The world is waiting for you. The only question before you is: when your life shifts, what magic awaits?” Deborah Kevin www.deborahkevin.com