Beautiful soul, life isn’t meant to be lived in black and white, devoid of love, radiant health, fulfilling relationships, success, and self-worth. Simply existing. Life is meant to be lived in technicolor, filled with unbridled passion, truth, and joy.
Tap into the wisdom and life experiences of the authors of Life Reimagined . Women who listened to the whispers of their hearts and souls to move beyond the weight of fear and self-doubt to create lives they envisioned. May these quotes inspire you to choose to hope and dream—and mindfully create the life you wanted using your soul as guide and your truth as a beacon
You will find yourself, even amongst the rubble when things fall apart. Pieces of you will be reconstructed into a stronger, wiser, and more deeply compassionate human. You are whole. ~ Veronica Cole,
Your journey will align you with your greatest lessons to find beauty. ~ Sarah Breen,
Allow yourself to feel at home in your own skin. Embrace the path you are on and who you are becoming. ~ Robin Eaton,
Know that there are no coincidences in life, the Universe is supporting you, you are connected, heard, and your prayers are answered. ~ Nancy OKeefe,
Wake up with a smile on your face and remind yourself that you can make any dream that you have, your reality. ~ Dr. Lisa Thompson,
Do not let others influence or derail your purpose. Trust your faith. It is your direct connection with Source that leads to Spiritual Sovereignty. ~ Lisa Manyon,
Be gently guided to peel away the layers of fear, expectation, and conditioning that have kept you stuck in a life that you no longer fit. ~ Linda Joy,
Give yourself permission to be free to be you! Give yourself permission to fly! ~ Kris Groth,
From every single one of our “What Next?” moments comes transformation. ~ Kimmberly Wotipka,
Open the door of possibility. Allow yourself to believe that you can heal, that a better life is ahead of you. And with each baby step you take, know that more doors will open. ~ Kim Brochu,
Choose self-compassion. Empower yourself every day to embody and radiate who you want to be in the world and from that gratitude always flows. ~ Kelley Grimes,
Unlock access to the truest version of you and share it with the world. ~ Jami Hearn,
Vow to follow your inner guidance from this day forward, with full trust and faith, knowing that you will always be okay. ~ Donna LaBar,
If you want to live a life of authenticity, you have to affirm that you are lovable and that you don’t need anyone’s permission to be or express this love. ~ Dr. Debra L. Reble,
The Universe always delivers the right people and projects into your life at exactly the right time. Shift your perspective, grow your heart, and allow yourself to step more fully into your badassery. And so, it is. ~ Deborah Kevin,
You are worthy, sacred, whole, and wholly consecrated in your body. Remember, you are always home. ~ Crystal Cockerham,
There is tremendous power in alignment. Doors in the outer world magically open, and things you once viewed as problems or even tragedies reveal themselves as blessings in disguise. ~ Christy Whitman,
The shifts you make in your belief system will be a complete game changer for you. ~ Christin Bjergbakke,
On the other side of the darkness, there’s so much beauty. Give yourself permission to write a new today. ~ Cathy McPherson,
Learn to trust yourself, learn to love yourself, and learn that you are responsible for your worth. It will transform your life. ~ Cathy Casteel,
Fill your heart with gratitude and say yes to healing. Show up as the strong and powerful courageous woman you are. ~ Cara Hope Clark,
When you learn to tune into your emotional guidance system and let go of what isn’t yours, you open the way for uplifting, joyful emotions to emerge. ~ Angela Shakti Sparks,
Hold the inner knowing that you are supported and just where you are supposed to be. You will soon discover how your experiences are meant to breathe new life into the world. ~ Amber Kasic,