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12 Signs Your Soul is Speaking to You

12 Signs Your Soul is Speaking to You by Kris Groth | #AspireMag

“My assignment is to connect with my soul and write about it, having a conversation with my soul. Sounds ridiculous, and impossible, but here goes… 

I feel so conflicted and lost in my life. I am begging for your guidance, please tell me what you want me to do. I sit and wait for a response…(crickets)”  – Excerpt from my book, Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection and Passion. 

Do you ever ask for guidance and all you get is the sound of crickets?  

Do you wonder if anyone ‘up there’ is even listening? 

Or do you get messages but have difficulty figuring out what they are trying to tell you?  

You are not alone.  

We all go through this as we begin our journey of connecting with our souls and the beings around us. It can be confusing and frustrating. Here are some steps you can practice that will help you receive and decipher the messages that are out there for you. 

Be Open to Receiving Messages 

Make a clear intention with yourself and with the universe that you are open to receiving guidance for your greatest good. Putting a sign out on your energy field saying that “positive assistance is welcome here”. Take the time to make your connection with your soul and the divine. Make your request to receive guidance about a certain issue. Then pay attention and gather your clues.  

Be Aware of the Infinite Ways that Messages May Come 

Expanding your awareness of all the ways that your guidance may appear is very important. If you limit yourself to only one type of message, you are missing out on so much valuable information, and it will take much longer to receive the validation that you are looking for. Opening yourself up to the endless possibilities will also decrease your frustration, and help you to realize how much assistance and support is available to you. 

Signs Your Soul is Speaking to You 

  1. You hear a thought in your head. It can be random, unbidden, or one that keeps repeating 
  2. You hear a voice in your head.  I can seem like your voice, or could be another’s. Can also be a sudden word that pops into your head 
  3. A vision or image that crosses your mind. 
  4. A dream. This one can be tricky; the key is to pay attention to the different types of dreams that you have. Some have messages, lessons, memories, premonitions, themes or abstractions, and others may be a random expression of your subconscious. The more you pay attention to the various dreams you have, the better you will be able to pick out the messages when they are present.  
  5. You notice more and more serendipitous events. You’ll notice things happen just when you need them to. For example: I wanted to learn to knit but didn’t know how. The next day I was talking to someone and she mentioned joining a knitting group that teaches beginners. Or the flight that you need to book is just too expensive, and the next time you check it is on sale for exactly the amount you wanted to spend.  
  6. You hear a message from someone else’s mouth.  The message you hear may or may not be in the same context as you expect, but it conveys what you needed to hear at that moment. You at even overhear it from a conversation you are not even involved in. It may even come through the words in a song.  
  7. You notice Divine signs. Divine signs can be very creative, and often only have meaning for us individually. Seeing a feather, a coin or a heart-shaped rock are signs to me that I have been heard or that I am on the right path. An unexpected detour or change in plan may be a sign to do something differently or reevaluate.  
  8. A feeling or sense, or intuition, a feeling in your gut, or anywhere in your body. Be in tune with your body and how you feel in different situations. What does it feel like when you shouldn’t do something? How does it feel when it is right?  
  9. Oracle cards, pendulum, or other divination tools. These tools can be very effective ways to receive messages. Great for validating other messages. Practice making your soul connection while working with the tools, and then learning to trust how they work for you.  
  10. Journaling and messages may come while writing. Ask questions while journaling and then write whatever comes next, without thinking. You may be surprised by the response. The key to this is to be connected to your deeper self, and set your mind aside. This takes some practice to be open to the automatic responses and trusting what comes to you. 
  11. A knowing. a strong and sudden knowing from within you of what the answer is. “I don’t know where this came from, but I just know this is what I need to do.” 
  12. An internal push or compulsion. The strong urge to do something that you otherwise wouldn’t be doing, but in this moment, it feels right and you feel compelled to do it.  

And many other ways are possible. The question is, are you listening? 

Putting the Pieces Together 

Now that you are aware of the messages that are all around you, it is time to gather them up a and see what they are trying to tell you. This can be obvious, or it can be like playing a game of Clue, gathering up several clues together and deducing the meaning by looking at them all as a whole. 

Set Your Expectations Aside 

One aspect that trips up so many people is expecting a certain message. When it doesn’t come as expected, they think they didn’t receive an answer. This is just like when you ask someone for their opinion, and if it’s not what you want to hear, you say they don’t understand, and maybe even ask someone else until you get the answer you want. If we can be fully open to receive guidance and accept what comes, whether we like it or not, we will be better able to trust the results. Also, don’t expect your answers to come the same way as someone else’s. We are all unique, and have different gifts.  

Practice, Practice, Practice 

All of these methods take practice. Practice connecting with your deeper self and your guides. Practice paying attention and being aware of the signs and messages all around you. Practice receiving message in the various ways listed above. Sometimes it may be frustrating or challenging, but the more you continue on and persevere, the easier it will be. It is worth the effort!  

In my upcoming book, “Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection and Passion,” Lily learns to connect with her soul and her guides, and uses that guidance to make big decisions about her life, her purpose, and love. You will see how she follows the messages she receives, and the difficulties she has along the way. You can find out more about Lily and her journey, and receive a free Soul Connection Meditation. 

Remember, we are not alone here on this journey. There is so much support and guidance available to us, if we are open to receiving it, and pay attention to the messages all around us.  

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About the author 

Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, heart, mind and soul, and to live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing, and spiritual mentoring sessions, including powerful custom guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls. Claim your free "Discover the Archangel Around You Quiz & Meditation" today and visit for more supportive resources.

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