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12 Daily Steps to Enhance Your Intuition

12 Daily Steps to Enhance Your Intuition by Carolyn McGee | #AspireMag

Intuition is a gift that we are all born with.   It is a muscle that needs practice to get stronger. If we don’t practice our intuitive skills daily, we can lose our faith muscle.   The faith muscle is where we KNOW that the guidance, we feel in our physical body is correct.   

Intuition comes from the Latin word root meaning “in to you”.  It is the universe’s way of allowing us to see, hear, feel and know information in our bodies.  We can literally sense into ourselves and others to receive guidance. 

When we know and trust the intuitive messages, we can live in the present momentfollow through and take action.  If we are second guessing ourselves and our decisions, we are either living in the future (worrying about the decision) or in the past (stressing out about a choice we made and how it didn’t work as well as we thought it would). 

Here are 12 daily steps, I use myself, as well as with clients, to enhance my intuitive receiving and faith muscles: 

  1. Awaken Gratitude.  Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations there is.  When we start our days being thankful for all we have and expecting more we automatically draw positive energy towards us.  We notice the magic in our lives and become magnetic to more. 
  2. Abundant Blessings.  Say thank you for all the good things that happened during day before you fall asleep.  According to the CDC, 1/3 of all people don’t get enough sleep.  simple review of all that is good will clear your mind and allow you to sleep deeper, so you are clearer to receive your intuitive messages as you dream or the next day. 
  3. Productive Pause. Before answering a question or comment, count to 5 to receive the best response.     This can also be called active listening.   Often, we are so busy thinking about our response that we don’t really hear what the other person is saying.   We can’t feel the energy behind the words and/or read the body language.   When we listen to what is being said and then pause, our intuition will guide us to the response for the highest good. 
  4. Kindness Creed.   We all have that mean girl voice in our head that tells us we aren’t trying hard enough.  When we listen to that voice instead of the loving voice of our intuition we can miss out on valuable information.  When we take care of ourselves, nurture our energy and our bodies we are more open to intuitive flow. 
  5. Breath of Life.  When we are stressed, we can hold our breath, or our breath can become shallow.   This is the freeze part of the stress response.  Our bodies are trying to become invisible to threats.  From this energy we are hyper aware of the perceived threat and cannot feel intuitive energy.   Take 3 deep breathes in through your nose feeling the breath expand to your hips.  Hold this breath for a count of 3 and then release it out your mouth to open energy and greater awareness. 
  6. Note to Self. Post positive notes to yourself.  Affirmations and positive reminders will support your energy flow.  Find a favorite poem and post it by your bed, tuck a love note in your wallet, post a sticky note by your mirror to remind yourself how loved you are.  This will help raise your vibration to be more open to receive intuition. 
  7. Soul Clarity.  Look in your eyes every morning and connect with your soul.   The eyes are the window to our soul and the soul is what channels our intuition.  When we take the time to connect with our soul daily it is easy to verify you are on the right path or if you need to make any course corrections.   This allows us to travel our intuitive soul path easier. 
  8. Joy, joy, joy.  Allow your child energy to be present each day.   Being in the joyful and curious energy of child resets us to being open and present to the wonders that surround us.   We can see opportunities and connection that our adult eyes miss.   We are reminded that the world is filled with magic, mystery and awe-inspiring moments.  Living in joy opens our energy to receive intuitive messages easier. 
  9. H2O Conduction.   Our bodies are up to 60% water and water is a conductor of energy  When we are well hydrated the energy of intuition flows effortlessly through our body to be felt in our muscles, bones, skin and organs.  We are flowing with the river of information instead of paddling upstream.   When we are dehydrated, it is like a beaver built a dam to stop the flow of information.  As a baseline, drink ½ your body weight in water each day to help feel and understand intuition in your body. 
  10. SelfLove.  Imagine that you are talking to your best friend.   She is intently listening to you and providing amazing support.  She knows just what you need to hear to feel better or make an empowered decision.  Now practice talking to yourself as she would talk to you.  Realize, that you truly are your best friend.  Loving and being kind to yourself opens your energy to possibilities and intuitive flow. 
  11. Nature as Healer.  The earth, rocks, plants and water are grounding by their nature.  Putting your feet in the grass, hugging a tree, meditating by water will all improve your ability to be present and centered in your body so that you can feel your intuition clearer. 
  12. Soul Rhythm. Move your body to your own rhythm to connect to your soul.  Dance, walk, play with your pets, move in your kitchen, sway as you dry your hair.  Find the vibration and rhythm in the sounds in your environment.   Create your own music and follow your body’s intuitive need to move.  As you move instinctually each day, notice how your awareness of other messages increase. 

Practicing these 12 steps daily has deepened my awareness of the magic of my intuition.  They have become a habit that anchor in the consciousness of my intuitive superpower.  I invite you to practice these and have fun noticing how easy it becomes to receive the divine messages and trust them to take the next right step.  

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About the author 

Carolyn McGee

Creatrix and Intuitive Carolyn McGee is the creator of the Sacred Haven Community & Offerings which includes North Carolina retreats, virtual gatherings, empowering workshops and soul-nurturing VIP weekends for women ready to connect with their inner wisdom, discover the power of nature's cycles, and create a life that lights them up.

As a Master Intuitive Healer, Teacher & Coach Carolyn is the creator of the Soul Clarity System, specializing in amplifying YOUR Intuitive Superpower and has co-authored numerous bestselling books. She is a popular TV co-host and sought-after speaker and blogger.

Unleash your intuitive superpowers and download the Soul Clarity Support Bundle today and visit for inspiring content.

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