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11 Ways to Make the Second Half of Your Life the Best Half

11 Ways to Make the Second Half of Your Life the Best Half by Karen Shier | #AspireMag

Are you venturing into your midlife years full of wonder and grace or dreading the advent and era of a certain age?   Getting older never really has bothered me much.  As I reflect, I don’t recall ever really being disturbed by turning 30,40 or even 50-years old. Now, more than ever, I embrace the past decades and revel in all that I have learned along the way. 

Although I experienced and overcame some catastrophic setbacks over my years, as many of us have, I plowed through, sometimes gracefully and sometimes not so much.  As a Midlife Transformation Guide, I now realize and understand on a deeper level that all those experiences made me the older, wiser, and more graceful and tolerant woman I am today.  

I feel blessed with every passing year.  Knowing that my mindset sets the tone for my happiness, I embrace my age and the freedom it now brings me. With age and wisdom, I’ve learned to let down my guard a little and to traverse this world with a bit more ease and grace. 

It is possible to create a vibrant, joy filled second half of your life.   

Here are 11 experiential practices to help you to embrace your midlife years and flow through them with ease, grace, and happiness. 

  1. Take time for yourself.  “Me time” is not selfish, it’s self-love and imperative to your overall health and wellbeing.  Create space in your schedule for YOU! 
  2. Explore your creative side.  Learn new things.  Do that thing you loved as a child or try something new you’ve always wanted to do.  Garden, paint, dance or take a pottery class. Perhaps you’re creative at organizing or repurposing things.  Embrace your creativity and do the things that bring you joy. 
  3. Move your body with positivity.  Our body is our energetic container and needs movement to thrive. Sometimes I resist the thought of “exercise”, but movement is something I can always get behind with a small shift in perspective.   
  4. Nourish your mind.  Turn off the TV.  Go out in nature or sit quietly and contemplate with gratitude. Let the damaging and energy-sucking habits go. 
  5. Stop worrying about what others think.  The plain truth is we are all in our own journeys and too stuck in our own stuff to care about something you did or said in the past.  Let it go. 
  6. Set boundaries.  Even a small “no” is a no.  If you are asked to do something you don’t want to do (and aren’t legally obligated to), then embrace the power to say “no” or “thank you but that doesn’t work for me now”.   
  7. Release false fears, self-doubt, and guilt.  Embrace the experiences of the past as they made you the amazing woman you are today.  There’s a gift in every experience, when we’re open to seeing them. Allowing fears and guilt to guide us only keeps us stuck. 
  8. Surround yourself with uplifting people and supportive communities that leave you feeling your best.  Release the soul-suckers that drain your energy.  Their season in your life is over. 
  9. Connect with Your Spirit.  Learn to listen more closely to your Divine inner being, your inner wisdom, you intuition, and take actions on its whisperings instead of the naggings of your fearful inner critic. 
  10. Forgive yourself with compassion and kindness.  You’re a different human now than you were then. 
  11. Just Love.  (Yourself and others).  Be kind, compassionate and non-judgmental. We’re all on our own journeys and often in different places…and that’s okay.  Exude love outward. 

It all comes down to this my friend.  Show up as your authentic self. Be authentic and courageous.  Do you and stand in your truth!  You’ll become more aligned and courageous as you navigate your midlife with more ease, grace, and flow.  

A deeper dive into self-discovery will having you embracing your midlife years and beyond with wonder, amazement, and optimism.  Here are some journal prompts to get you started. 

  1. What parts of you are you not honoring?  Think about thoughts or feelings you might be hiding or interests you may not be pursuing.   
  2. What excuses are you using to suppress these parts of yourself?   
  3. What is one thing you can commit to doing this week? 
  4. Is there a relationship you are holding onto that leaves you feeling drained or discouraged?  What keeps you holding on?  What would it feel like if you let it go?  
  5. Who are the people that lift you up and what do you admire most about them?   
  6. What are some ways you can spend more time with them or find more peeps like them? 

I hope that you’ll find, as I did, that flowing into midlife is an amazing time and much better than I ever expected.  The season I’m in comes with the joys of imparting wisdom, serving others in an empowered way, and getting back to the authenticity of who I am and who I was always meant to be.  I now fully embrace the authenticity of who I am.  I hope you will too because the world needs your gifts and your light, my friend.   

3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (So You Can Hear Your Inner Wisdom) eGuide

Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default. Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.

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About the author 

Karen Shier

Karen Shier is a Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor™ Coach, Energy Master, and Bestselling Author.

She supports midlife women to release what no longer lights them up so that they can joyfully thrive in the second half of their life. Karen guides clients with intuitive coaching, transformational strategies and proven processes and guides them from feeling stuck, stressed and unhappy to feeling free, empowered, and ready to cocreate a marvelous life.

Through her Joyful Jumpstart coaching program, Inner Critic online course, and speaking, Karen supports midlife women to soothe their inner critic and enhance their intuition so they cocreate the aligned life they desire.

She is a powerful speaker and empowering media guest. She has appeared on numerous podcasts and summits, and been invited to share her wisdom in private communities. You’ll find empowering strategies on topics such as Energy Mastery, Inner Wisdom vs. Inner Critic, Law of Attraction and more on her YouTube channel.

If you’re ready to soothe your inner critic, download your free eGuide: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic today.

Learn more at

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