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11 Simple Strategies to Shift from Goal-Setting to Manifesting

11 Simple Strategies to Shift from Goal-Setting to Manifesting by Melissa Binkley | #AspireMag

The world for the last 100 years or more has been focused on a masculine system of rules, action and goal setting. Although this way of living has worked for many years it has created a culture of humans that are overworked, stressed, and disconnected from their soul. To move into creating a more conscious environment we need to shift from the old-school “take-action” camp to a more conscious balance between action and manifestation.  

Manifesting has been a buzz word, yet no one really seems to understand how the process actually works. In 2017, after creating a successful business built on hard work, many hours and lots of goal setting because I never wanted to be homeless again, I stumbled upon the secret to manifesting that has changed my life.  

1. Create an Intention Instead of a Goal. Frame your intentions in the present tense, you are putting your vibrations in a state in which you already have which you desire. Instead of saying I want, declare it as already happened.  Then wait with excitement, belief, and openness to the possibilities and be able to hold an awareness of many possibilities.  

Deepak shared that intention has an infinite organizing power. “Intention lays the groundwork for the effortless, spontaneous, frictionless flow of pure potentiality seeking expression from the unmanifest to the manifest.” 

2. Feel It. Identify the feelings that your intentions will bring. Why do you want to lose weight or earn more money? Chances are, it is not the actual goal or intention, but the feeling that will result once it has been realized. Perhaps you want to lose weight to feel more confident. More money might activate feelings of freedom or security. Be clear and identify how you will feel once your intentions are made a reality. Feeling is everything. We transform our inner feelings into our reality and physical matter. 

3. Creative Visualization. Use emotionally charged visualizations to fuel the fire of your intentions. Create an idea, a mental picture with sights, sounds, colors, textures, aroma and a feeling of the object or situation exactly as you want it. Include as many details as you can. Have clarity about what you want to receive and what you desire. Make these scenes in your mind’s eye as REAL and vivid as possible.  

4. Focus Daily. Setting an intention once and never going back to it is like planting a seed and never watering the plant. For an intention to manifest, it must be nurtured daily. Take 5 minutes each morning, before you begin your day, to review your intentions. Say them aloud and visualize yourself already living as if it has been completed. Get specific and embed the habits. Unfortunately, most people focus on what is in front of them instead of what they want to create.   

5. Live As If. Start living as closely as you can to how you would after your intention has been manifested. Envision your life after your intention has been manifested. How does your environment look? Your appearance? Do you have different habits or mannerisms? Step by step, add those elements to your current life. Add a piece of furniture to your home that better reflects the style of your future self. Start dressing as you would if your intention had already been achieved. Spend a day exactly as you would after all of your manifesting has generated success.   

6. Do It. Incorporate activities which activate the feelings you hope to achieve. You don’t have to wait until your dreams have been realized to feel great! Make a list of 10-20 activities that spark the same feelings. Perhaps a date night with your partner inspires feelings of connection. Your weekly yoga class might make you feel grounded. Taking a nap during the day might activate your feelings of freedom. Commit to doing 3-5 activities from your list each day to ensure that you are attracting more and more of your desired feelings. 

7.  LetGo of the “How”.Be open to allowing your intentions to manifest in unexpected ways. Often, we become so focused on the exact way we want our intentions to manifest, that we close off other avenues that might bring us the same feelings we are hoping to create in our life. Focus on how you want to feel, not just what you believe will bring those feelings. When stating your intentions, add the phrase “I now manifest this or something better, in divine, appropriate timing.” You might just be surprised how your dreams might show up in your life! 

8. Surrender, Trust and BE GRATEFUL. You must believe that the Universe conspires to give you everything you need. Always know the universe answers Yes, Yes but not now or NO something better. Be grateful not only for what you already have but for what the universe is bringing TO YOU. Act as if it already exists and thank the universe for it. LIVE in GRATITUDE & JOY. Nourish the spirit.

9. Heal. When you can heal your trauma, karma, judgements, and raise your level of consciousness you will start bringing flow into your life. 

Ask yourself and identify the thoughts, actions, and feelings that have created your current life. RECOGNIZE the feelings, emotions, state of mind then declare it and dismantle it. Heal what is getting in the way. Heal your physical illness, mental illness, trauma, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs. Hire a coach, take a course, join a retreat, do whatever it takes to allow yourself the time to heal what is stopping you. What we see in the world is a projection of what we are (believing, feeling, creating) on a deeper level. The world is the mirror of our beliefs and feelings. Our method of observation preselects what options become available to us!! Our perspective creates a bias that then determines our reality!!! 

10. Alchemical Alignment. Your body must be part of the process. When we are heart-centered and coherent, we have a tighter coupling and closer alignment with our deeper source of intuitive intelligence. the heart is directly coupled to a source of information that interacts with the multiplicity of energetic fields in which the body is embedded. The physical heart is coupled to a field of information not bound by the classical limits of time and space and it interacts with the multiplicity of energetic fields in which the body is embedded. One of my favorites techniques that create the mind-body heart-brain connection is the Heart Breathe. When your heart and body are in alignment with the field you magnetically attract what you want. 

11. Access the God Field. Let the universe work its magic. Get out of the way! We are all connected through a field of possibilities.  We can “tune in” to this channel and get the messages, healing and learning. Our intentions flow in this intricate web and are pulled to us through stepping in the quantum void or gap and surrendering our desires to become manifest. 

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About the author 

Melissa Binkley

Melissa Binkley is the founder of The Intuitive Intelligence Academy™. She is Quantum Healer and Spiritual Alchemist, Certified Mastery Transformational Coach, Soul & Business Strategist, #1 International Best- Selling Author and International Transformation Speaker. Melissa is conducting the World’s Largest Miracles Experiment and her Docu-series "Quantum Miracles Mastery: How to Create Miracles Today to Heal Anything" has reached nearly 1 million people. Her programs have helped people around the world. Learn more at

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