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10 Tips to Stop Doubting Yourself & Your New Business Idea

10 Tips to Stop Doubting Yourself & Your New Business Idea by Monica Dubay | #AspireMag

What is the hardest thing about starting a new business?

Knowing what you want to do?


No, it’s not either of these…it’s much simpler than that.

It’s doubt that you are not enough.

Doubt that you don’t have enough, smarts, money, support, ability, training, chutzpa.

What takes you down faster than any amount of criticism from other people?

Doubt that you should even try to do something different or unique.

Doubt makes you feel it isn’t worth the risk to do something big, like start a new business and put yourself on the map. They can stop you from beginning anything new, from following your heart’s desire.

I know, I’ve had to deal with them.  I have a voice inside that says, “oh just go get a job” or “this should be easier”, and “who do you think you are?”

Ever heard that one?

So, notice these nasty little voices, these self-defeating and often menacing thoughts that surface just when you are least expecting it.

But don’t listen to them, they are just trying to scare you into giving up sometimes before you even begin.

When I started out with my new business, I made a decision to stick with it, to boldly pursue my life’s dream so that my clients can live a bigger life, find their purpose and know they are here for a reason.

In the beginning, I had intense doubts that I was on the right track. Before I gave my first workshop, the doubts were debilitating.

I had to get to the bottom of what was actually going on.

When doubt comes up, it’s because you are making a bold move, you are no longer listening to the voice of reason, you are taking a risk by embarking on a new plan of action.

It’s natural that your fear and doubt start shaking, screaming at you to stop, do anything but this, and to go find security!

But truly, these voices come from your conditioning, from your childhood, when you did something and regretted it.  Perhaps you stood out, took a risk and someone made fun of you.  Maybe you failed at something you really wanted to do and it pained you and you never forgot it.

Doubt can be protective.

Doubt can shed some light on a path you may want to take and when you feel the fear and doubt whether it’s the right move, your body gives you that signal.  It’s good to check in, see what you’re doing, and get some help from a trusted holistic therapist who can help you release your doubt. Just talking about it with someone can help release the stuck energy.

But when you are clearly on target, are taking a step to move forward and to align yourself with your life’s purpose, and the doubts come, you have to release them.  Why?

Doubt can truly kill a wonderful idea faster than fear.

There are many moments where I doubt myself, and I talk to a trusted friend and hear “you are so inspiring, you are taking a risk, moving forward and I admire your courage”.

I need to hear that sometimes.  We all do.  Because doubt is a killer, it negates the light and the idea that everything is possible.  Every idea has value.  You don’t want to kill a good idea.

Ideas are inspiration and when they are pursued, help us all to change, to grow and to be better than we imagined.  It’s in the risk that all growth takes place.  When we put all our eggs in one basket and bet everything on that one idea, we are really going for it!

Following our heart and inspiration is liberating and frees us completely from the past and our own self-defeating behaviors.  If you follow it to its end, it will change you whether you succeed at it or not.

Here are 10 tips to stop doubting yourself.

  • Don’t tell everyone about your new idea. Don’t listen to other people’s opinion…why? Because most people don’t have the courage to try new things.  They just want to be comfortable and are looking for the easiest way out. Definitely don’t tell your parents.
  • We business builders and dreamers are different. We thrive on inspiration and new ideas.
  • Our creative ideas wake us up at 5 a.m., to meditate, get in touch with ourselves and act upon our inner direction.
  • We go to meetings to make connections, and for the fun of seeing what happens when we pursue an idea.
  • Let the real Self have at it!  It makes us joyful and willing to work all hours writing blogs, marketing, serving our clients and getting in front of as many people as possible to talk about our new businesses.
  • Be the leader. Set an example and keep on keeping on. Even great leaders like us have moments of doubt, probably more than anyone else because we are willing to stand up and shine our light on the world.
  • Stay bold and committed. Be willing to face the music and hit wrong notes sometimes, that’s what happens when we improvise, we don’t know what’s going to happen. Not all notes sound wonderful, every solo isn’t perfect.
  • Practice hard and try new things, experiment and be ok with failure. It’s part of the creative process.
  • Don’t listen to doubt, or fight it. Like fear, we must embrace it, and do it anyway.
  • Have faith in spite of great odds. Be resolved to keep going.

Only 8% of people ever stick with resolutions. But we do.  We are the odd ones, the crazy ones who believe in love, in possibility.  We love ourselves enough to fail and fail again.

We move with the guiding force, the inner direction that inspires us. It’s bigger than our little doubting self.  Way bigger.

We keep going because it feels good to connect to people, to serve in an authentic way that is unique to us.

When you are faced with doubt, here’s what I would say to you:

No one can do what you can do.  You are unique and have a very important role to play on the Earth at this time that no one else can fill.  It’s yours and only you can do it the way you do.  You are here to serve certain people and if you give up, they don’t get what they need. So don’t let your doubt keep them from their dreams.

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About the author 

Monica Dubay

Monica Dubay is a spiritual teacher, healer, author and catalyst for transformational leadership. She is on a mission to empower women who want to crush fear, shamelessly love themselves and change the world.

Monica has been a teacher of transformation since 1990, when she was healed of anxiety and depression miraculously. She has taught A Course in Miracles for over 25 years. Her Heal Your Mind Heal Your Life Transformation Program helps women become leaders by finding their true purpose, forgiving the past, and embracing their divine calling. Monica is a spiritual guide, a catalyst for enlightening the mind. She helps clients identify blocks, using powerful energy healing methods to affect a breakthrough in consciousness. She uses wisdom from all spiritual teachings, visioning, and inner guidance to transform and enlighten. Take the next step on your journey, download your 10 Steps to Create your Life’s Desire Video Course & Meditation.

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