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10 Steps to Jumping for Change

10 Steps to Jumping for Change by Nancy Levin | #AspireMag

Did you know that resisting a needed and necessary change can compromise your wellness? If you are feeling stuck, hiding in your life or have been called to make changes that you’ve been too afraid to make, there is a step-by-step process that will take you beyond the fear of jumping all the way to the adjustments into the new life that’s waiting for you. Each step is geared toward helping you make a thorough, healthy shift that will improve the quality of your life on all levels.

Step 1: Admit to yourself what you already know. Truth-telling: the primary stepping-stone to true freedom.

Step 2: Tell the truth to someone safe. Sharing with the right person opens you up to healing.

Step 3: Imagine yourself free. Set the stage for freedom by first making it real in your imagination.

Step 4: Make one different choice. You will do one thing differently. The results

from this one small change may surprise you.

Step 5: Set your new boundaries. You will begin to set solid boundaries where you have allowed them to be violated in the past. Don’t worry—you’ll be ready for this when you get here.

Step 6: Ask for help. You’ll learn that it’s actually wonderful for both parties when you allow yourself to receive.

Step 7: Honor your resistance. Inevitably, resistance will tell you that you cannot,must not, and will not jump. Fear not! You will.

Step 8: Jump! With preparation, you can land on softer clouds in a healthier

Step 9: Exit gracefully

Step 10: Say Yes … And Then Say It Again … And Again: Living your new, best life after the jump.

I’m living proof these steps work, I used them throughout my divorce process, and they translate to any kind of change: changing jobs or careers, moving to a different part of the world, setting boundaries with someone in your life (no matter who it is), doing something new that you’ve hesitated to try, increasing your capacity for self-love, or simply moving out of fear into profound courage and love.

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About the author 

Nancy Levin

Nancy Levin is a master coach, radio host and bestselling author of several books including Permission to Put Yourself First and Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free (Hay House, January 2020) who offers in-depth coaching programs and trainings designed to support clients in making themselves a priority. You can visit her online at

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