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10 Sacred Keys to Feminine Empowerment


10 Sacred Keys to Feminine Empowerment by Zinnia Gupte | #AspireMag

What is Shakti Power?

Shakti is your natural sacred feminine power. She is an ancient energy.  She is the female face of the Divine. Shakti inspires women to awaken and turn on their light.  She dances through the universe brave and awake singing “wake up, wake up!”

Here are the 4 pillars or empowerment principles that make up Shakti Power.

Personal Power

This is your mental and physical power to make decisions, speak your truth, take action, stand up for what you believe in, be a leader, believe in your worthiness and deservedness to receive all your heart’s desires.

Intuitive Power

This is your ability to trust your inner voice and inner sight. Your ability to follow the voice of your soul consistently and discern between soul and ego. When you are connected to intuitive power, you have inner knowing and you know the vision for you life.

Manifesting Power

This is your ability to create from spirit and materialize it into form by visualizing in the sprit world first – then drawing in your desire through affirmations and invocations, life visioning, inspired action, asking for help and receiving.

Creative/Sexual Power

You can generate power by feeling all your feelings. With this power you can change one emotional state to another form. Transforming depression into expression of life. Transforming deep loss and regret into joy.

In my own life, when I decided I wanted to heal from a divorce, reinvent myself and change my career direction, I used my inner power. Within a year, I healed, starting dancing, created Sacred Dance Ibiza and was invited to dance in Turkey, Greece, even Bali. Within two years, I was being interviewed in magazines, on the radio, and on television about dance and the teachings of Shakti. By the third year I had written a book and opened my own company, Shakti Priestess, to guide, mentor and coach women.

This is the power of Shakti. For me it was moving overseas. Healing and transforming on a magical island for three years, developing a sacred dance practice, life coaching business and a wisdom school to mentor priestesses in training.

The Gifts of Shakti are for everyone and her sacred empowerment principles can be lovingly applied to your life.

1.The Gift of Desire

Follow your desires

Feminine power is based on pure desire. Desire without fear or limitation. Once we have pure desire, we attract and magnetize to ourselves anything we want. Shakti burns away obstacles and shows you what your heart truly desires. Shakti helps you focus and channel power in ways that moves energy in your desired direction.

2.The Gift of Clarity

Be clear about who you are 

Clarity cuts through confusion like a sword cuts through fog. You can manifest by getting clear. Get clear on how your perceptions. How do you describe your perception of yourself? Do you feel strong, weak. powerful, beautiful or magical? Get clear on your imagery. Get clear on your expectations.

3. The Gift of Victory

Take control of your life

Empowerment is when you move your will power through strong emotions like fear or anger and confusion like a chariot moves through battle into victory. You can use the volcanic energy behind anger, fear and confusion and transform them into positive qualities that propel you in life.

4. The Gift of Self-Love and Strength

Feel all your feelings

When you are not feeling loved, do you want someone to tell you they love you? To be empowered around this issue you would have to stop waiting for someone else to tell you are loved and start telling yourself. You would need to tell yourself frequently to really let it in. You have to value yourself and define your sacred identity as eternal, worthy and deserving. When you have told yourself enough times you are deeply loved then you will start to own and embody that love. This becomes your own experience of self-respect and self-esteem.

5. The Gift of Letting Go

Let go of repetitive patterns, beliefs and habits that keep you stuck

Empowerment is actively taking charge of your thoughts. Changing long-held belief-systems, patterns and habits takes time and devotion. The first step is to notice self-sabotaging thought forms like ‘yes but’, ‘if only…’. Notice when you are putting yourself down or devaluing yourself by comparing yourself with other people. These are bad habits that can be changed. You are a unique individual and any comparison to anyone else can sabotage your progress towards self-healing.

6. The Gift of Boundaries

Walk away from abusive or toxic situations

Once you embody your self-love, you will no longer be waiting for someone to tell you are loved. You will already know you are. You’ll be less interested in spending time with people who do not behave in loving ways towards you. Moving away from unsupportive, unloving or toxic relationships is a natural consequence of loving yourself more. It will help you clear out people who do not fully appreciate you and make space for the ones who do.

7. The Gift of Transformation

Own your personal transformation

Empowerment is a choice. You choose to change. You give yourself the permission to do sacred, internal work. You generate power and the strength to push through an old identity and channel confidence and will power to create a new identity that serves a higher purpose. Own your personal transformation and what needs to be changed.

8. The Gift of Breakthrough

Break through limitations

When you take charge of yourself that usually means questioning beliefs forged in childhood and making changes so you can be the adult you want to be. If you are struggling with this self-love (if you were neglected or abused as a child and feel unloved because of this) then seek help from a good therapist or coach to help you unravel unhelpful, painful beliefs.  You have the power to change “stuck energy” like limiting beliefs, resistance and trauma from your childhood by believing in your strengths and who you are today.

9. The Gift of Radiance

Shine your magnificence

In ancient Indian language, the name for Goddess is “Devi” and is derived from the Sanskrit root word “div” which means “to shine”— The Shining One. Shakti’s sacred intention is for you to feel and believe in the highest vision of yourself. Shakti gives you the courage to step out of hiding, step out of the shadows and share your beauty and gifts with the world.

10. The Gift of Sensuality and Creativity

Express your creative gifts

When a woman comes back into her power, she reclaims her creativity, her own voice, values, vision, the magnetic energy of her womb and her body. For me, I awakened this power through dance. For other women, they may awaken this power through other forms of creative expression like painting, singing, movement, yoga, Pilates, chanting, any creative practice.

When you can apply these sacred empowerment principles in your life, you create an unshakeable foundation of power. You know who are and you are not willing to betray yourself. You stand as tall and fierce as a fortress of truth. You awaken fully to your inner power.

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About the author 

Zinnia Gupte

Zinnia Gupte is an inspirational bestselling author, speaker, priestess and sacred dancer who helps women embrace their sacred feminine power. She is an expert at connecting women with their souls’ desires. She is the co-author of Inspiration For A Woman’s Soul: Cultivating Joy, Women of Midlife Wisdom 2, and Unleash Your Magnificence as well as 20 Beautiful Women. Her forthcoming book, Shakti Power: Awaken Your Inner Power, Beauty, Intuition, and Magic will soon be available to the world. She teaches sacred dance every year in Spain at the Ibiza Spirit Festival. Visit today and claim your free Shakti Goddess Gift Bundle.

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