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Honoring My Inner Priestess – A Journey of Trust

Honoring My Inner Priestess – A Journey of Trust by Maryellen De Vine | #AspireMag

There is a part of me that I call my “Inner Priestess”. This is the part of me that is wise and powerful, yet also loving and compassionate. She has a good balance of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine: knowing when to be active and productive, and when to be receptive and allowing. She is very connected to Spirit and to all of nature. She knows the importance of joy and of self-care.

This part of me has been growing stronger and more present in my day-to-day life. I feel she is my “soul-self”, wanting to take more of the lead. Like so many of us, I do still have those times when some other part of me tries to take control (the perfectionist in me, or the wounded Inner Child, or the stressed out, busy “mom-preneur”, for example).

Life is so rich and wonderful when I live as my authentic soul-self; my Priestess-self. I then can trust in my deep knowings. I see the beauty in all things. I have faith in Spirit and the Divine plan, and believe in magic and miracles.

I have had so many amazing experiences that some people might think are just coincidences. Or they might rationalize the experience with some logical explanation. I choose to see the everyday magic and miracles happening around me. The more I do this, the more that shows up. Some show up as lovely, simple things: a hummingbird stopping right in front of me, hovering and looking right at me, or seeing the same series of numbers (“angel numbers”) over and over again. The numbers let me know that my angels are giving me a message, such as “You’re on the right track” or “We are helping you with this”.

Other magical experiences have been:

 – When driving with my children on a mountain road, my gas tank was almost empty and there were no gas stations for miles. I called to the angels, asking my boys to do the same, and when I looked at the gas gauge, there was now enough to get us to a gas station. My Priestess self KNEW that our angels helped us; that magic and miracles were happening. My “muggle” self later wondered about logical explanations, but my inner knowing was stronger.

 – While vacationing one summer, our family was taken out on a boat with a guide for some whale watching. I feel that whales and dolphins are such beautiful and amazing beings, and I was so excited! I sent love from my heart to the whales, letting them know that I would be so honored to see them. I sensed that we would indeed find some whales, so I sent more love and thanks to the whales. We finally saw some quite a bit away, spraying water from their spouts. My heart was so excited! One of the whales started swimming in our direction, coming closer and closer to our boat. When it was directly in front of us, it jumped up and out of the water! Our excited guide said he’d never before seen one breach like that. The whale swam back and forth in front of our little boat, and a couple times turned and waved a fin at us. It was so amazing to look into his eye as he did this; we were definitely connecting to each other. My husband asked me, “What is he doing?” because he knew something special was going on, but also nervous about this huge whale next to our tiny boat with our children onboard. My Priestess self tuned in to my whale friend and heard that he was honoring me back. Soon, he left to join the other whales. Oh, what an amazing, heart-bursting experience!

A  couple years ago I took myself on a working retreat at the ocean. I found some fears were coming up around stepping out in a bigger way with my work, so I started doing some clearing and releasing work on myself that I do with clients. I was using my “Angelic EFT” tapping process as I gazed out at the ocean. Soon, Spirit, my angels and nature stepped in to assist. A line of birds started flying across the ocean, more and more and more of them. As I tapped and watched them, I sensed that they were helping me: allowing me to place upon their backs all that I wished to release. These birds started landing upon the water and there were now hundreds of birds sitting in a group in front of me, letting me know that there are so many people out there just waiting for me.

I was guided through a visualization process of letting my Inner Priestess expand out through my entire being: seeing and feeling her power and bigness. I was shown the gown she wore as well as her “bigger shoes” that I was to step into. I put my physical feet into these etheric shoes and walked around my hotel room in them. They felt a little big and I was a little wobbly, but all I needed was some time to get used to them. (Such a powerful message about stepping more into my Priestess self and a bigger aspect of my work!) Soon, the huge group of birds started flying in a line again, but this time going the opposite direction in front of me; feeling like they were now bringing gifts to me: things that I needed and wanted. When the visualization and process felt complete, I physically felt taller and stronger. It was such a gift! And I knew in that moment that I was to take other women through this same process for embodying their Inner Priestess.

I feel it is important to keep some of our childlike wonder alive, trust that Spirit showers us with gifts, honor the sacred in every moment, and acknowledge and show gratitude for the magical experiences that are part of our everyday lives. Don’t let the logical “muggle” part of you persuade you that something was only a coincidence or it was just wishful thinking. Wishful thinking is the gateway to magic and miracles!

However, there are those times when life brings challenges and I get pulled out of my Priestess state. I worry, get stressed, and get overwhelmed. But I have to remember that we are “spiritual beings having a human experience”. And soon my Priestess self comes forward again and helps me through the rough times. She helps me see the humor in the situation, or to trust the deeper healing in the situation, or to access my inner wisdom about steps to take or how to view the situation.

I have visualized my Inner Priestess standing tall on a hill, with me standing right next to her. We have not become one yet, but I trust in the process and know that we are close to it.

So, I invite you to allow your Inner Priestess to come forward more and more in your everyday life. Trust her; honor her. And you will be on your way to becoming one with her, living a life filled with magic and miracles.

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About the author 

Maryellen De Vine

Maryellen De Vine is a wife, mother of three, and Coach/Teacher/Angel Therapy Practitioner® who understands the challenges of being a busy woman and soul-centered entrepreneur. She has created the “Sacred Success in Business” and “Replenish Your Spirit” programs, blending her gifts and tools, such as Angelic EFT and creativity.

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