Linda Joy ~ Intentional Living Guide™ & Mindset Elevation Coach for Women on the Path of Self-Discovery. 
Linda Joy

Mindset Elevation & Intentional Life Affirmation Screensavers

Discover the power of energy-infused affirmations to elevate your mindset and create your intentional life. This gorgeous  set of affirmation screensavers is created to support women who are ready to ignite their inner mojo.  You'll receive 5 high-vibe screensavers for your desktop and a matching set for your phone. It's time to say yes to living an intentional life!

Christy Whitman ~ Law Of Attraction Expert And New York Times Bestselling Author

10-day Watch Your Words Challenge

Change Your Language, Change Your Life with the FREE 10-day Watch Your Words Challenge with Christy Whitman. It includes a training system that breaks the chains on the language patterns that are keeping you from success. Also included: Entry to The Energy Vortex as a Discover Member, which includes the Discover Resource Library: Daily Quotes, WinWin Women Show, Podcast, 7 Essential Laws videos AND surprise & delights each month.

Kim Chestney ~ Founder of Intuition Lab and Author of Radical Intuition and The Illumination Code

Empowerment Bundle: Unleash your Magnificence & Personal Power

Unlock your inner magnificence and purpose with our free gifts! '108 Ways to Embody Your Magnificence' offers affirmations and insights to manifest your divine presence effortlessly. Dive into 'Passionate Purpose' to discover and engage your true power, sans miracles or gurus. Live your truth while on-the-go or at home and embody your fullest potential now.

Sherianna Boyle ~ Author of Emotional Detox, Emotional Detox Coaching ® and the upcoming Just Ask Spirit
Sherianna Boyle

Just Ask Spirit Gift

Discover the Power of Asking Spirit. We all need support, and our spirit guides are here to help. Unprocessed emotions can clog your intuitive abilities, but there’s a way to clear the path. Download your exclusive gift set, including: A 15-minute audio meditation; Journal with 7 powerful question prompts and 20 stunning downloadable inspirational quotes. Together, let’s deepen our spiritual journey and discover the power within.

Linda Joy ~ Bestselling Publisher, Creatrix of The Feminine Collaborative Marketing Model™ and Attract.Nurture.Serve.™ Business Formula

7 Feminine Collaborative Marketing Models™ Guide

In this free guide, from Sacred Visibility™ Catalyst Linda Joy, Creatrix of the Feminine Collaborative Marketing Model™, you’ll learn 7 visibility-boosting marketing models that you can use to create aligned and intentional partnerships, attract your aligned audience,and grow your list--using feminine principles. (You'll also be on the VIP list for upcoming collaborative projects.)

Felicia-Messina D’Haiti ~Soul Coaching® and Feng Shui Trainer and Coach

Align with Abundance Feng Shui Enhancement Set

Ready to create a home that aligns with the energy of abundance? Your gift set includes the Align with Abundance: Feng Shui Enhancements for Your Home guide (PDF). In it you’ll learn Feng Shui Enhancements for various rooms in your home, the importance of clutter clearing and why it matters, and a Clutter Clearing Exercise. You’ll also receive the “Connect with the Energy of Your Home” guided meditation.

Nancy O'Keefe ~ Quantum Human Design Specialist & Transformational Coach

The Client Attraction Personality Quiz

Coaches and entrepreneurs…. Do you feel like you’re always chasing clients? Imagine if they came to you instead. When you take the Client Attraction Personality Quiz, you’ll discover YOUR unique Client Attraction Personality Type and learn how you are naturally designed to be a magnet for clients.  You’ll receive your results immediately, including a video message explaining your type.

Nancy OKeefe The-Client-Attraction-Quiz
Dr. Debra Reble ~ Intuitive Psychologist & Bestselling Author
4-part Soul-Hearted Living Sacred Meditation Series

Intuitive Psychologist and International Best-selling author Dr. Debra Reble created this powerful 4 part meditation series to guide women to connect with their hearts. You’ll receive: “Opening Your Heart to Your Authentic Self”, Tapping into Your Inner Wisdom, Awakening to Your Divine Essence Within and her popular “Five Minute Heart-Opener for the Busy Woman.”

Stacey martino ~ Co-Founder, Relationship Development®
Relationship Transformer® 5-Day Workshop from Relationship Development®

Our Relationship Transformer Workshop shows you how to stop the fighting and bring the love back! You can finally get the peaceful, harmonious household you desire…even if your partner refuses to change or your kids are out of control. Get FREE Access to our 5-day online workshop today and start seeing results NOW!

Kelley Grimes, MSW ~ Self-Nurturing Expert, Keynote Speaker & Bestselling Author
The Self-Nurturing Starter Kit

Say yes to yourself and claim your Self-Nurturing Starter Kit today! Your supportive kit includes gorgeous printables, including the Self-Nurturing Affirmations poster, Self-Nurturing Permission Slip and the Self-Nurturing Breathe cards as well as a guided mediation and an audio guide. Give yourself the permission to nurture yourself.
Sarah Haas ~ Women's Weight Release Expert & Body Love Coach
Rev Up Your Midlife Metabolism ebook

It's no secret that our metabolism slows as we age, thanks to hormonal changes, muscle loss, and more. But that doesn't have to be the case! You CAN release weight, feel great in your body, and reclaim your health in midlife and beyond! With this FREE e-Book you'll get proven strategies to help midlife women fire up their metabolism, release weight and get back into their skinny jeans.

Lisa Hromada ~ Empowered Lifeview™ Guide & Life Transformation Mentor
5-Piece Divine Reset™ Gift Set

Are you ready to unlock the power of spiritual surrender? In your Divine Reset™ gift set, you’ll gain valuable insights and powerful practices to transcend any challenge with greater ease, grace, and flow (and results!). You'll discover how to live with the greatest level of peace, trust, and divine alignment no matter your circumstances. Download Your Gift Set Today!

Karen Shier ~ Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach & Certified Desire Factor™ Coach
3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (So You Can Hear Your Inner Wisdom) eGuide

Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default. Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.

Crystal Cockerham ~ Spiritual Mentor
Rituals to Nurture Your Goddess Soul Gift Set

In this supportive 4-piece gift set, you’ll receive two videos, including: A Morning Ritual to Nurture Your Goddess Soul, and the second, An Evening Ritual to Nurture Your Goddess Soul. You’ll also receive the Inner Goddess Guidance Meditation and the “Creating Your Own Personalized Sacred Ritual PDF that includes a check list for creating sacred space with reverence as well as elements of a ritual so you can intuitively craft your own.

Cindy Winsel ~ Certified Creative Depth Coach, Certified Zentangle® Teacher & Soul Collage® Facilitator
4 Ways to Nurture Your Creative Spirit

You don’t have to identify as a creative to reap the benefits of a daily creativity practice. Even 15-minutes a day offers a wealth of benefits to your emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being. The Nurture Your Creative Spirit eguide includes ‘Tips to Creating Space for Creativity’, ‘Supplies to Have on Hand’ and 4 Ways to Nurture Your Creative Spirit.

Carolyn Marie ~ Trauma Informed Manifesting Coach, Hypnotist, Energist and Certified Intuitive Artist® Facilitator

The Ignite Possibility Activation Kit

Step into the field of possibility to bring your unfulfilled dreams & desires to life. When you take the time to consciously connect to and play with the field of possibility--magic happens. From that place of sacred exploration, you can excavate and activate your deepest wishes, dreams, and desires.

Your Ignite Possibility Activation Kit includes: Tap into the Magnetizing Power of Possibility 3-Step Journaling Process (PDF) and the Opening to the Field of Possibility guided meditation.

Linda Joy ~ Sacred Visibility™ Catalyst & Bestselling Publisher for Heart-Centered Female Messengers
Linda Joy | Sacred Visibility™ Catalyst

Intentional Business Sacred Visibility™ Gift Set

Sacred messengers, it's time to heed the call and heal your visibility wounds. If you're a mission-driven soulpreneur ready to own her power and step into sacred visibility™ with your message--this gift set is for you.  You'll receive:  The Sacred Visibility™ Journaling Process guide, the 10 signs the Fear of Visibility is Sabotaging Your Business, a set of 10 energy-infused business success affirmation screensavers as well as an invitation to join the Sacred Visibility™ Facebook community.

Sacred Visibility™ Intentional Biz Gift Set
Nancy OKeefe ~ Quantum Human Design Specialist & Intuitive Business Coach
Discover Your Life Purpose and Your Business Genius from Your Human Design

Do you struggle with the question “What is my Life Purpose and what am I here to do?” You are divinely designed to be unique, with a life purpose, a set of skills/talents to support you in achieving your life’s work, and four prime gifts that are your Pillars of Business Genius. Once you understand what you are here to share with the world and how you are wired to share it, you can ease into alignment with your business for greater abundance, fulfillment, and success.

Lisa Hromada ~ Empowered Lifeview™ Guide & Life Transformation Mentor
Empowered Lifeview™: 4 Sacred Strategies to Shift from Uncertainty to Possibility

While most live in a world of “problems”, you were divinely created to live a better way and were given all that you need to do so. Move beyond your fears and "what-ifs" and co-create a life of limitless possibilities. In this 3-piece gift set, which includes a surprise BONUS, you’ll discover the Empowered Lifeview™ philosophy and explore sacred strategies to a life of fulfillment, connection, and inner peace. Claim Your Gift Today!

Felicia Messina-D'Haiti ~Soul Coaching® and Feng Shui Trainer and Coach

Clutter Clearing for Abundance Kit

Clear Your Clutter to Create Space for Abundance to Flow! Clutter originates in our mind and in our emotions, then manifests as objects that can tie us to the past, keep us stuck in the present, or distract us from our true mission. Your Clutter Clearing for Abundance Kit includes: 4 Steps to Clutter Clearing for Abundance Guide (PDF),  A Conversation with Clutter Journal Prompts (PDF), a Clutter Clearing Exercise (PDF) and the Tuning into the Energy of Your Objects guided journey. (MP3). 

Sarah Haas ~ Women's Weight Release Expert & Body Love Coach

No Excuses Lunch Guide to Boost Your Midlife Metabolism

Boosting your energy and feeling lighter can be as easy as having a fresh, nourishing lunch on hand every day. Avoid the pitfalls of drive-thru meals with these simple and do-able meal planning how-to's, tips, and quick, ridiculously delicious recipes. You'll also receive my exact, 3-step formula to guide your food choices so you’ll know exactly what to put on your plate.

Lee Murphy Wolf ~ Expansion Catalyst™ & Evolutionary Guide for Soul-Led Women
Tune into Your Next Chapter Guided Meditation

Do you wish you could get clarity about your next steps on your evolutionary path? This channeled 18-minute guided meditation featuring the simple, yet powerful frequencies of tuning forks, will help you start to reconnect to yourself, hear your own inner wisdom with more ease, and accelerate your shift into vibrational alignment with your Higher Self.

Amy Lindner-Lesser ~ Grief Recovery Method® Specialist and Certified Life Transitions Coach
The 7 Phases to Navigating Life’s Transitions with Journal Prompts (PDF)

Life transitions are something we all experience. Whether it’s the heart-breaking grief that arises from the loss of a loved one or the disorientation felt when life suddenly shifts due to the loss of a job, relationship, identify, or a health challenge, learning to navigate those transitions with mindfulness, grace and self-compassion is the key to finding your way back to joy, happiness and inner peace. Download this supportive guide today.

Sha Blackburn, The Loon Witch ~ Psychic, Holistic Healer, and Teacher
3-piece Magickal Living: Elevate Your Frequency Kit

Learn to tap into the magick all around you. This empowering frequency elevating kit includes the How to Tap into the Magickal Elements of Each Day (PDF) that shows you how to connect with the energies of each day of the week. You’ll also receive the Vibrational Frequency Chakra Balancing (MP3), a sound bath for your chakras and the Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation (MP3) so you can learn to connect with yours.

Sharon Seaberg ~ Feminine Power Facilitator and Life and Success Coach
5-pc. Embracing Your Divine Self Meditation Set

Take a respite from the busyness of life & connect with, and honor, your connection to your Divine self, aka inner wisdom. During that time of connection you can hear the wisdom of your soul (instead of the chatter of your mind). In this transformational meditation set, you’ll receive: Embracing Wholeness: A Journey to Self-Worth;  Embracing Belonging: A Journey Through Connection;  Embracing Your True Self: Mirror of Authenticity;  Embracing Inner Peace Meditation and the Embracing Trust in What Is Meditation. 

Dawn Michele Jackson ~ Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist & Infinite Possibilities Trainer
5 Principles of Emotional First Aid for the Overcommitted Woman

It’s time to create space for YOU in your own life—instead of squeezing it in after you take care of everyone else. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, burned out, and resentful—those signs are letting you know it’s time for emotional first aid. Learn supportive strategies to help you shift from overcommitting and ignoring your needs. Download your free guide today!

Robin Fitzsimons ~ Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher, and Founder of Wellness with Robin
Archangels & Crystals of the Zodiac Guide

Ready to embrace the magic within, and around, you? This enlightening guide introduces you to the Archangel and the Crystals associated with each Zodiac sign. Learn to work with these celestial partnerships to amplify your connection to yourself, your intuition, and your Divine support team.

Deborah Kevin ~ Chief Inspiration Officer & Editor Extraordinaire

What Kind of Editor Do You Need?

You’ve written your book, and now it requires editing by someone other than you (or your favorite auntie). But what kind of editing do you need (betcha didn’t know there was more than one kind—each with a particular focus)? Discover your perfect match in "What Kind of Editor Do You Need?".

Kim Turcotte ~ Priestess. Healer. Witch.

Working With The Phases of the Moon Guide

This simple to use guide is meant to be a quick reference for you to help you tap into the powerful energies of each phase of the month and empower you on your personal growth and spiritual journey. The guide includes - A short explanation sharing what the energy of the 5 main phases of the moon are, information on how you can use this energy to enhance your spiritual/personal growth journey and journal prompts for each phase to help you go deeper and integrate this knowledge easily into your current practice.

Yvette LeFlore – Intuitive Energy Healer
5 Ways Spirit Speaks to You Guide

The Divine is Always Speaking to You! Are You Listening? Learn 5 Ways Spirit Speaks to You through Signs That Are All Around You. Do you find yourself wondering if you are even getting messages? Or, perhaps you know that you are but aren’t sure how to decipher them. In this supportive guide, you’ll learn and practice five ways to receive messages from spirit and some guidelines on deciphering the messages. Download your free guide today!

Efrat Shokef, Ph.D., ~ Shamanic Energy Healing for Children, Teens, Parents & Families
Spiritual Techniques for Grounding – A Parent’s Guide

How does it feel to be energetically grounded and present in the here and now? Do we always wish to be grounded? How can we balance being present with Soaring, Connecting, and Expanding our Energetic Field and Share the wisdom and practical techniques with the young? In this 3-week eCourse, you’ll receive 3 eBooks, 3 Audio Recordings, and complementary Coloring Sheets.

Tywanah Evette ~ Black Butterfly Goddess
Embrace Your Inner Goddess: Affirmations & Meditations Bundle

Embrace daily empowerment with our gift to you: a vibrant affirmations poster, designed to uplift and inspire. Dive deeper into self-awareness with guided meditations. "Leaning into Loneliness" offers solace, nurturing your inner strength. Feel rooted and serene with "Grounding," a meditation to center your spirit amidst life's whirlwind. Step into each day with grace and resilience.

Barb Pritchard ~ Brand Strategist & Intuitive Designer to Soulful Visionaries at Infinity Brand Design
Soul Client Attraction Alchemy Guide: Magnetizing Soul Clients

Discover the alchemy of connection with 'Soul Client Attraction Alchemy' – your guide to intuitively identifying and magnetically attracting clients who resonate deeply with your unique spiritual brand essence. Transform your marketing into a soulful journey that speaks directly to the hearts of those you're destined to serve.

Judy Gallauresi ~ Mindfulness and Mindset Mentor
Unlock Daily Calm: Master Mindfulness in Your Busy Life Workbook

Life can feel hectic at times, can’t it? That’s why learning quick and effective mindfulness methods is an important gift to give yourself so you can calm your mind—when you need it most. In the Unlock Daily Calm: Master Mindfulness in Your Busy Life (PDF and Flipbook), you’ll learn practices, customizable daily routines that fit into your day and interactive exercises for each area of your life to help you integrate the teachings. Start reclaiming your Inner calm & download the workbook today!

Amber Kasic ~ Evidential Medium
Ten Signs of Communication with your Loved Ones

Discover ten ways your loved ones in spirit communicate with you! In this guide, you learn how to recognize signs and other communication from your loved ones or helpers in spirit. Additionally, learn what's happening beyond what we see to orchestrate the connection and deepen your relationships across the veil with suggestions for celebrating and growing your personal spiritual connections!

Laurie Burkhalter ~ Advance Crystal Master & Certified Creation Team Coach
Uncover your Life Purpose

When you infuse your life with Archetypal Wisdom, you step into a transformative gateway designed to lead you to the core of your being through your archetypal forces. This journey leads to profound alignment between your inner spiritual landscape and your everyday life, ensuring your every step is infused with purpose and direction. This transformational guide with keys to uncovering your life purpose.

Donna Burgher ~ Faith-Inspired Living Mentor & Podcast Host
Accelerate Your Dreams with Faith: Unlock God’s Blessings

This guide is perfect for faith-based women eager to enhance their spiritual journey and accelerate their dreams with faith.

Discover how to strengthen your faith, embrace gratitude, cultivate a positive mindset, and take inspired action toward living the life God has planned for you.

Through faith-building practices and actionable steps, you’ll unlock God’s blessings, ready to embrace a life filled with joy, purpose, and divine abundance as you pursue your God-given dreams.

Carmen Turner Schott, MSW, LISW ~ Transformational Astrologer and Certified Trauma Healer for Women on the Journey of Self-Awareness
Harness Astrological Energy: Manifest with the New Moon

New Moon Manifestation Guide
Astrology is a tool for self-awareness. The cycles of the moon affect your inner nature and emotions. Learn more about astrological energy and how to tap into your unique strengths. Astrology can help you heal, transform, and become more resilient. The new moon energy influences us every month and you will receive a beautiful 19-page New Moon Manifestation Guide to learn how astrology and manifestation are connected. Start your journey today by connecting to the energy and manifesting with the power of astrology.

Vicki Dobbs ~ Wisdom Evolution Community
Trust your Intuition, Listen With An Open Heart

In the world today, it is so important that you not lose your ability to connect with your own inner wisdom (Intuition) and with nature. Listen to the whispers on the wind and discover or re-remember the wisdom and power that you hold within and connect or re-connect with that same power and wisdom that nature holds for us all.

Linda Kroll ~ Compassionate Communication Care Kit
Enhance Your Life and Relatioships with Your Compassionate Communication Care Kit

Improve your life and relationships by practicing exquisite self care. Your Gift Bundle will provide mediations, relationship assessment, the Miracle of Empathy and much more. Begin the new year with more peace, love and joy!

Christy Whitman ~ Law Of Attraction Expert And New York Times Bestselling Author
Free 30-Day Video Program: Manifest What You Speak!

Learn to manifest your desires through conscious word choice.

Discover which phrases that lower your vibration and block manifestations, plus powerful alternatives that align with your goals. In just 1-2 minutes daily, learn which words to avoid and how to speak in ways that raise your energy and attract what you want.
