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The 8 Energetic & Spiritual Traits of Wealthy Women

The 8 Energetic & Spiritual Traits of Wealthy Women By Marcia Mariner | #AspireMag

What does it mean to be wealthy?

After interviewing over twenty pioneers of the new wealth consciousness, it is clear that it has very little to do with money. 
I have identified 8 traits that all truly wealthy women have in common: 

1. Wealthy women have awakened to their own value.  

They are out of scarcity consciousness and survival mode thinking. Like the caterpillar awakened to its potential as a butterfly, these women have an expanded vision of themselves, their potential and their purpose.  

They are radically committed to their own self-care and they do not hold back on providing themselves with what they require for their wellbeing. They know that this is essential for their expansion into a more evolved form of themselves. 

Wealthy women know that, when they give from an inner fullness, the universe mirrors back the abundance that they are pouring out. This allows them to attract MORE into their lives by practicing the art of allowing and receiving. This is a mind reversal for many of us who were brainwashed to “not be selfish” or who are still in a pattern of denying ourselves what we want, what we require and what we desire.  

2.  They are awakened to their sense of purpose and divine destiny. 

Wealthy women have an inner clarity about who they are and why they are here. In fact, the most important thing in their lives is following their bliss, being true to their authentic selves and living their lives aligned with the Source within them. They radiate light and love to others and experience having a truly prosperous heart. 

Wealthy women know that they hold the inner keys to manifest wealth. This comes from tapping into their unique genius and creativity.   They invest financially, time and effort into manifesting their destiny.  They are willing to step out of their comfort zone. Even if they are afraid, they find their inner courage. They are highly committed to their own emergence, expansion and evolution. They have an inner knowing they are here to make a big impact on the planet and they say YES to this inner invitation. Their spirit of service to the whole is flows from their heart and they give generously of themselves to their larger purpose. 

3. They are co-creative, not codependent.

Wealthy women have rewritten their victim story and embrace the attitude that everything happens for them, not to them. Because they experience the universe as abundant, challenges are transformed into opportunities for growth and transformation. 

They are fueled by love, not fear. Having moved sufficiently out of co-dependency, they stop worrying about what “others” think. They create heart-centered relationships that support their vision for their lives and are willing to shed any person, pattern, activity or environment that no longer serves their highest good or that does not support their expanded vision and mission. These powerful women speak their truth and take their place in the world. Wealthy women are focused on their goals.  They set healthy limits and boundaries and empower others to do the same. 

4.  They are not attached to material possessions. 

Wealthy women enjoy making money and indulging in material pleasures, but they are not attached to them. They see their money as “the money” connected to their soul’s purpose in the world.  It is not their business that they are running, but “the business” connected to the divine plan. They trust that endless abundance is always accessible for them and they enjoy the “in and out” flow of giving and receiving.  

Wealthy women display a constant awareness of all of the opportunities being poured out by Spirit. Even in difficult moments, they access a place in their hearts of knowing that their inner provider is supplying them with everything they deeply desire. Their faith in the LIFE within themselves gives them an inner calmness, which is independent of their current bank account balance.  They have a spirit of generosity and express gratitude for all of their blessings in good times and in the difficult ones. 

5. They do not settle in any area of their lives.

Wealthy women are “miners” for their heart of gold. Having discovered and connected with their innate sense of value and worth, they are empowered to go for the gold in all areas of their lives and they do so RADICALLY.  

They become masters at pursuing and manifesting their heart’s desire. When they know what they want, they go for it. Infused and empowered by this inner connection, they are prepared to move mountains to achieve their dreams. They take risks. They are unstoppable.  

6. They take inspired action and trust the process.

Connected to their intuitive wisdom, wealthy women are ready to leap into the “more” waiting for them. They do not seek outer proof for the time to be right.  They step into their vision intuitively.  Their logical and linear mind is now at the service of their heart’s wisdom.  This “reversal of command” opens the portal for bigger and bigger manifestations to occur. 

For these women, ordinary magic, miracles, synchronicity, divine messages, spiritual encounters, guideposts, opportunities and unexpected gifts become the norm in their lives.  They have aligned with divine flow and they know that the unceasing outpouring of abundance is endless.   

This is not just cerebral knowledge for these women, but rather an unwavering steadfast inner certitude.  This clarity empowers them to make aligned decisions.   Their inner male and female energies are in unity, allowing them to create form from the essence of spirit within them.  As a result, they are original thinkers and create from this place of newness within them.   They let go of resistance, striving and struggle and allow their lives to unfold according to divine plan. These women commit to showing up no matter what is going on in their lives. 

7.  They empower and awaken others. 

Wealthy women are visionary leaders and contribute boldly to our evolving world. By the fruits in their own lives, they are “walking the walk, not just talking the talk.” In this way, they inspire all of us to walk in their footsteps.  If they can do it, so can we. These women are pioneers into a brand new paradigm and are generous in supporting others. They celebrate witnessing others stepping into their own greatness.  On some level, their success has no meaning if their emergence does not send out a ripple effect to serve and support the whole of creation. 

8.  They are in divine money flow. 

Wealthy women achieve financial wellbeing as a result of an inner shift and trust in their vision and mission. These trailblazers use their money wisely as a steward to support their purpose driven practice and view money as a currency of love and service.  Women with a healthy wealth mindset allow money to love them and they  love money as a material provision.  These same women possess an innate trust that money will always show up in their life for what is required and for what is in alignment with their purpose. This alignment is what activates and unlocks the key to their soul’s wealth. 

It is clear from the above-mentioned traits that of wealthy women that we are ALL capable of manifesting our heart’s desire like they are.  We are all born wealthy and we have the power to choose to “go for the gold” within ourselves.  The time is NOW.  Let’s say a bigger YES to unearth the sacred divine blueprint that we and only we have.  Destiny calls!  
























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About the author 

Marcia Mariner

Marcia is a Divine Feminine Visionary leader, speaker and author empowering women to create transformation in their lives. Using her expertise from over 30 years experience as a licensed therapist, Marcia combines therapeutic coaching with the power of women’s circles to help women break free from their patriarchal conditioning, embrace their feminine gifts and wake up to their worth. By fully embodying their own beauty, and magnificence, Marcia believes women have the power to collectively shift the evolution of the world. Marcia invites you to download your From Blah to Blissful in 3 Simple Steps video today!

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